“Faboo, The Power of Imagination” is a physical theater show for children characterized by its simplicity and expressiveness focused on stimulating the imagination and raising the awareness of the importance of recycling with creative proposals.
A human body, a few everyday things and a dose of creativity are all it takes for Faboo to come to life, a singular being who expresses through gestures and sounds with a boundless imagination which captivate spectators of all ages.
The show was premiered at the Galileo Theatre in September 2014 in Madrid. Since it is touring throughout Spain and it has been selected to participate in several festivals as FETEN, the GREC of Barcelona, Teatrea, the International Festival COS Reus, La Mostra d’Igualada and Titerescena at the National Dramatic Center of Madrid.
FETEN Award 2015 for its expressiveness
Award for the best show in The VI International Theatre Festival 2015, Zaragoza
Selected to be part of the Catalogue of the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation for Development (AECID) Performing Arts 2016.
Finalist in Els Premis de la Crítica Barcelona 2015.
Finalist in the Talent Show Die PuppenStars 2017 of the German Television RTL
Semifinalist in Got Talent España 2019